Saturday, May 23, 2020
Why Is The Killing Of A Million A Lesser Crime - 1440 Words
Genocide Essay ââ¬Å"Why is the killing of a million a lesser crime than the killing of an individual?â⬠-Raphael Lemkin referring to genocides. Genocides are organized exterminations committed with intent to destroy a whole group based on religion, ethnicity, and race. The Holocaust, the Armenian genocide, Darfur, and the Rwanda genocide were all terrible events in history, but why did they occur? The form of genocide had existed since the perception of superiority and inferiority was known. As a superior group gains more and more power, they make an image of their perfect society in their head and strive towards it. They would decimate those who opposed them and anyone they saw as inferior, which is an example of how a genocide can start. Hitler was the leader of the Nazis, and he pursued his plans to annihilate the entire ââ¬Å"inferiorâ⬠race of Jews, which he thought was a burden to his empire. In the Armenian genocide, the Young Turks attempted to terminate t he Armenians, which they also thought were inferior and untrustworthy. Although the Holocaust and the Armenian genocide are both genocides in which a specific group of people were being targeted, they differ in terms of leaders and their purpose for starting the genocide, the races that were targeted and how they were killed, and the impact it has on people today. ( Both the Armenian genocide and the Holocaust were disastrous genocides, but they could not happen without its leaders. The leader of theShow MoreRelatedHistory of Capital Punishment Essay997 Words à |à 4 Pageshomicide, has generally been ââ¬Å"the death penaltyâ⬠. This seems to be the most logical punishment. If someone intentionally kills an innocent human being, why should he be able to live? Or should he? Should he be forced to suffer for the remainder of his life for this terrible crime? There are many arguments and opinions on this topic; many reasons why we should sentence murderers to death, but many reasons we should not. One main reason we should not sentence these people to death is the cost. ItRead MoreEssay On Concealed Carry Permits1222 Words à |à 5 Pagesstronger gun laws that will lead to more regulations and less gun sales, while the Republican party leans the other way with less regulation and more legal gun owners. The democrats say that the less guns on the street, the less gun violent related crimes. On the other hand the Republicanââ¬â¢s stand for more legal gun owners, the fewer victims there are. 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The first established death penalty laws dates back as far as the ââ¬Å"Eighteenth Century B.C. in the Code of King Hammaurabi of Babylonâ⬠, which categorized the death penalty for twenty-five diverse wrongdoings (PartRead MoreThe Death Penalty Is Cruel And Unusual Punishment1432 Words à |à 6 Pagescause criminals to commit more capital crimes. Although to some degree this is true, I believe that if a criminal is going to commit any capital crime his or her first thought is how can I get away with this? Most criminal may not even think about getting caught. For me this statement applies to the mentally ill convicts, which is one of the reasons why Iââ¬â¢m against the death penalty. Besides the execution of an mentally ill person these are the reasons why I oppose the death penalty the death penaltyRead MoreThe Issue O f Capital Punishment Essay1411 Words à |à 6 PagesIssues with Capital Punishment Capital punishment, also known as death penalty is a legal procedure in which a state executes a person for crimes he/she has committed. This punishment has been implemented by many states and used for barbaric crimes, especially murder. It is also used on crimes against the state such as treason, crimes against humanity and violent crimes. There are mixed reactions on capital punishment depending on oneââ¬â¢s faith. In my view, I am not in favor of capital punishment as I stronglyRead MoreProblems With The Laws Protecting The Unborn1706 Words à |à 7 Pagesninth month of a pregnancy. Now, forty years later, fifty million+ babies have been murdered. 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Thus, there would only be an increase in people with genetic predispositions to these desirable traitsRead MoreEssay about The Death Penalty Deters Crime and Saves Lives1142 Words à |à 5 Pagesimmoral, discriminates, is very expensive, increases crime, and is only a way to carry out revenge. This, however, is not true. Capital punishment should be legal because it is moral, by not allowing criminals to roam the streets once again. It does not discriminate against those of color or the poor, and is actually less expensive than life imprisonment. The most important reason why the death penalty should be legal is because it deters crime. In past centuries, the problem was how to find the
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
The Forms Of Animal Cruelty - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1362 Downloads: 5 Date added: 2019/05/21 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Cruelty To Animals Essay Did you like this example? Animals dont have a voice and humans are their only chance at speaking up about the abuse. But when it comes to cases of animal cruelty, they do not protect and treat all animals the same as they do human beings. Animal cruelty, also known as animal abuse, is legally defined as any act of violence or neglect that inflicts suffering or death on animals. Animal cruelty laws typically extend only to tame or domestic animals, such as house pets, horses, and draught or other working animals. Lawful hunting or trapping of wild game, research such as animal testing and breeding or raising livestock can also be subjected to animal cruelty laws if unnecessary pain is being inflicted upon an animal (Gale 2017). Animal cruelty can fall under two types of categories: passive and active (intentional). Intentional abuse will be charged according to their staters criminal law that may result in either jail time or paying fines. Passive abuse is a grey area when it comes to every staters criminal law because it means they neglected their animal and didnt properly care for the animal in the way they shouldve. Neglection is a lesser included offence of cruelty involving the duties of caring for an animal (Welc h 2009). Donââ¬â¢t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Forms Of Animal Cruelty" essay for you Create order There are several forms of active animal cruelty such as animal fighting and experimentation. Activists are attempting to raise awareness about animal abuse by creating interest groups such as PETA and SPCA. They strive to get laws that can keep animals safe passed such as one of the first anti-cruelty law passed in New York. The Gale Student Resources in Context article titled Animal Cruelty quotes, Views and laws on animal cruelty or abuse vary greatly across different cultures. In many parts of the world, domestic animals are regarded primarily as property, and anti-cruelty laws may be nonexistent or limited to preventing only unnecessary acts of cruelty and abuse. At the opposite end, many people believe animals should be afforded the same moral rights and given the same legal protections as humans (Gale 2017). A form of animal cruelty that is legal with a license is experimentation. They test on animals such as rats, mice, birds, and fish. People who support animal cruelty will go on to state that it is for the good of this world because they test this form of animal abuse for medical purposes. Before 1996, there was no regulation of animal experimentation, and they would go on to experiment on other animals, especially primates due to their similarities to humans. In response to companies using dogs as test subjects in labs, the public raised a fuss and got the Animal Welfare Act of 1966 passed by the US government. In the 1966 Animal Welfare Act, it is stated that they must obtain a license and be registered to deal with animals. Any violation of the AWA leads to `suspension of their license, imprisonment up to a year, and a fine of $1,000. This passing of an act leads to scientists following the three Rrs: replacement, reduction, and refinement. In an essay from Gale Student Resources i n Context titled Animal Experimentation, As of 2018, no country in the world had completely banned all animal experimentation The US government reported 820,812 animals had been used in laboratory research in 2016, an increase of 6.9 percent from the previous year (767,622). Although there has been reports of amazing medical discoveries because of animal testing, how can we know for sure that it will benefit humans? Animals bodies are not physically similar to humans and neither are their organs. One study found that fewer than 10 percent of highly promising basic science discoveries enter routine clinical use within 20 years. The National Institution of Health (NIH) has stated on their website, Therapeutic development is a costly, complex and time-consuming process. The average length of time from target discovery to approval of a new drug is about 14 years. The failure rate during this process exceeds 95 percent, and the cost per successful drug can be $1 billion or more. 95 percent of the drugs tested on animals dont work and 100 million animals are killed every year due to animal experimentation. There are other methods that can be used since technology has advanced so far in todayrs time. Why not spend time trying to find alternate routes that arent using animals as test subjects? Kretzer states in This Ad Spells It Out: Animal Tests are Going Nowhere, Reliable, economical non-animal methods are readily available for a wide variety of testing applications and many basic science and disease animal studies, which dont translate to humans, can be replaced with new organ-on-chip technology, sophisticated computer simulations, 3-D cultures of human cells, epidemiological studies, and other more modern methods. Although animal testing is legal with a license, animal cruelty and neglect is not. There is an extreme gray area when it comes to cruelty cases. Some states may put a certain animal under the anti-cruelty statute, but in others, it could be considered to be under the wildlife statute. It may allow people to be exempt from those animal cruelty cases because an animal is not under the anti-cruelty statute. Incorporated into almost all anti-cruelty statutes are exemptions for certain types of animal use these vary from state to state but generally apply to endeavors such as veterinary medicine, agriculture, hunting, and medical research (Charging Considerations in Criminal Animal Abuse Cases). An example would be businesses such as zoos, circuses, or rodeos may be specifically exempted from prosecution under anti-cruelty statutes despite there being solid proof of animals being tortured and abused by the trainers. Stated in PETArs article about circuses, To force animals to perform, c ircus trainers abuse them with whips, tight collars, muzzles, electric prods, bullhooks (heavy batons with a sharp steel hook on one end), and other painful tools of the circus tradeCircuses easily get away with such routine cruelty because the government doesnt monitor training sessions and handlers are cautious when theyre in public. Sometimes animals arent treated in a healthy and safe way when in an entertainment business or in any private place. It continues to be a massive problem in todayrs society. On November 13, 2018, in Shamong Township, 44 dogs were found dead in plastic bags and freezers and 162 were living in inhumane conditions with 4 in critical condition. The dogs were found to be, both inside and outside, living in their own waste, said Det. Ian Fenkel. Donna Roberts got charged with animal cruelty and released with a pending court date. Previously in 2015, she had been fined $500 by the American Kennel Club and had her privileges suspended for six months after refusing to make her dogs and their records available for inspection. It is unknown what Roberts prosecution will be, but in most jurisdictions, animal cruelty is commonly charged with a misdemeanour offence. Before the adoption of an ordinance, Shamong â⬠a community of only 6,500 where many people live on an acre or more of land â⬠had no restrictions on the number of dogs a person could keep at their property. Now, anyone with 15 or more dogs must pay license, registration, and inspection fees. Pub lic complaints also can now prompt inspections of a dog owners property â⬠like the check on Roberts home that led to Tuesdays arrest (Berkery 2018). Works Cited Animal Cruelty. Gale Student Resources in Context, Gale, 2017. Student Resources In Context, Accessed 24 Oct. 2018. Animal Experimentation. Gale Student Resources in Context, Gale, 2018. Student Resources In Context, Accessed 26 Oct. 2018. Welch, K. Michelle. ANIMAL CRUELTY CASES. GPSolo, vol. 26, no. 5, 2009, pp. 64ââ¬Å"67. JSTOR, JSTOR, Tatchell, Peter. Human Rights Are Animal Rights!, 29 Mar. 2017, Charging Considerations in Criminal Animal Abuse Cases. Animal Legal Defense Fund, Kretzer, Michelle. This Ad Spells It Out: Animal Tests Are Going Nowhere. PETA, 17 July 2018, Circuses. PETA, Berkery, Sheri. Six Animal Shelters across NJ Will Take in Rescued Shamong Dogs. Courier-Post, CherryHill, 14 Nov. 2018,
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Art Evaluation Free Essays
Art Evaluation Looking around the hallways, I found many interesting paintings. But, I found that a particular painting was more interesting than the rest. The piece of art that I have chosen to talk about is an artwork that is hanging on the wall in the hallway of JJC. We will write a custom essay sample on Art Evaluation or any similar topic only for you Order Now The artwork is painted by a girl named Nicole Marie Wilkin in 2007. She titled her work, ââ¬Å"Endless Miles. â⬠The materials that she chose to use were Oil on Canvas. After looking over the painting, I notice many formal elements. The formal elements that are presented in this work are: color, line, space, texture, and motion. The painting is very well balanced; therefore, my attention isnââ¬â¢t focused on a certain part of the painting. The texture of the painting looks smooth. The multiple uses of contrasting colors are what I believe attracted my eyes to this painting. I feel that this formal element is what is most dominant in the picture. Another formal element that caught my eye was the use of motion. The endless amount of swirls and wavy lines make the painting look as if it is moving. I think that this gives the work a cool effect when looking at it. Using the elements, color and motion together, as Nicole did, was a good idea and works well for drawing attention to her work. The use of these two keep me wondering what the artist was actually thinking when painting this picture. There are also a few principles of composition that I see in this painting. I find that the work has no specific place that is weighted in the painting; therefore, the painting has an all over composition. The painting is asymmetrical because it cannot be split into two parts and mirror each other. I feel that this painting does evoke thoughts and emotions. When I look at this painting I feel a sense of freedom. I feel that this artwork represents freedom because of the numerous amounts of implied lines that lead to other implied lines. I feel as if the painting is leading my eyes on never-ending maze. The freedom that I feel is because there is no exact focal point of this painting and my eyes are free to follow whichever implied line they choose. I believe that this idea may lead into why this particular artist may have named her art, ââ¬Å"Endless Miles. I think that the formal elements that make this work so free are the use of motion and line together. I feel that the media and materials used in this art make a strong impact. The use of oil on canvas helps to make the painting look smooth and flowing. I feel that since the artist used oil, she was able to blend her colors well and add shading to her colors. Oil is easily blended since the colors dry very slowly. This is w hy I think that the use of oil was a good choice for her. How to cite Art Evaluation, Papers
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Cross Cultural Communication â⬠Barrier in Business Expansion
Question: What are the barriers to effective cross-cultural communication? How might these be surmounted? Identify at least 2 theories of cross-cultural communication that can shed light on your own experiences of communicating across cultures. What do these theories explain? What do they fail to explain? What are the implications of your insights for cross-cultural communication in international business organizations? Answer: Introduction Due to globalization, business expansion has become quite possible. Companies regardless of the production activities involved into can venture into different market to sell the products and services to the international clients. Business expansion to international market enables the company to improve the profit earning margin and improve the business visibility. Both the factors are essential for the successful business conduct. Earlier management believed in implementing an effective business strategic plan, without analysing the relevance of the cross cultural factors. As per the research conducted, it has been stated that consideration for cross cultural factors is important for the conducting the operational activities. This report contains information like Importance of the cross cultural communications (Barinaga, 2009). Barriers to the cross communication process Theories Cross-Cultural Communication Technologies like internet and other gadgets have made it possible for companies to venture into new market and improve the visibility for the products and services. Products can be effectively promoted in the national and international market. Online and offline marketing on the international platform has made it possible for the companies to improve the brand image in the international market. Such a success has also been possible due to the introduction of cross cultural communication factor. Through this process, it becomes easy for the companies to work with people from different communities or nationality (Adamopolous Lonner 2001). Cross cultural communication process is important for enabling the growth of the business. By understanding the relevance of the terms, the management of the company can communicate about the strategies and business goals with people belonging to different culture. Flawless communication is important for improving the apprehension about the business goals and the steps that is expected to be followed for achieving the set target (Busch, 2009). Cross cultural communication has been defined as the process of apprehending the business custom, values, communication strategies, and beliefs. Cultural differences impacts the method for communicating with each other and this can affect the business strategies. In this process, it is necessary to understand the relevance of high-context and low context values for culture. There are different factors that can affect the communication process and the same needs to be analysed in an effective manner (Baba et al., 2004). High vs. Low context for cultural differences High and low cultural context refers to the process adopted by the employees to think about the task, express views, and collectively work towards the goal that has been decided by the company. Such an analysis has to be done to understand the impact of the cultural factors on the business performance. For instance, the cultural values followed in North America and Western Europe is considered to be low context for cultural values. The employees of the companies located in such areas tend to make decisions on the facts and figures collected from different sources. The business dealings are done through contract process and there is no place for trust (Fowler Blohm, 2004). Factors associated with high context cultural values are quite opposite to the above mentioned method. Trust forms a major part of the business dealings and managers analyse different factors that are associated with the trust factors. In this process, the management of the company develop inter-personal relationships through which positive and long lasting relationship with the clients are created. Tasks are performed through team efforts and success is credited to the group, instead of individuals (Hoffman, 2009). In order to carry out the business activities in different countries, it is necessary to understand the cultural values and beliefs. This will enable the company to develop a strategy through which positive communication process with the members can be developed and implemented. The cultural differences existing between different cultures, needs to be analysed as it will help in improving the quality of interaction. This will assist in developing an effective communication process, through which the business activities can be carried out by the management (Gibson Cohen, 2003). Cultural differences include analysing the practices and language spoken by the people belonging to another country or communication. Through such an analysis an attempt is made to understand the factors that can affect the communication process between groups belonging to different communities. Effective communication method is quite important as this will help in reducing the uncertainty in the message conveyance method. Through this process the management can adopted and implement effective strategies through which the complex situation related to cultural factors can be handled in an effective manner (Lincoln, Denzin, 2000). Cultural diversity is one of the factors that can affect the process of communication and interaction between different groups. The management needs to analyse the factors associated with individual cultural values or languages. This will help in improving the performance for the company. Such factors enable the management to develop and implement effective communication process through which the individuals or the employees of the company can be encouraged to interact with each other (Gudykunst, 2005). What are the barriers to effective cross-cultural communication? The success of the global companies depends upon the effective cross-cultural interaction or communication process adopted by the management. Ineffective communication can increase internal conflicts between the groups or teams belonging to different groups. It is necessary to identify the problem that can affect the communication process, as this will minimise the redundancy of the tasks expected to be performed by the members. The barrier is with understanding the behaviour of the individuals belonging to different groups. Through effective communication process, it is possible for the companies to set right the expectations which are considered to be important for the successful business conduct. By handling the issues associated with the cross cultural factors it is possible to avoid unproductive conflicts that might exists between the management and the group or between different groups working together with the company (Kohonen, 2005). Global marketplace provides various offers to the clients and the companies to work together and improve the earning ability. Due to ineffective or inability of the companies to handle the issues associated with the cross culture, it becomes a challenge to handle the issues in the expected manner. Conflicts and interrupted production activities impact the goodwill of the company. Such factors affect the confidence of the stakeholders on the performance of the company in the international market (Littrell, et al., 2006). Some of the barriers related to cross cultural factors are Language This is one of the prime requirements for the conduct of the business in the desired manner. Communication becomes a challenge for the groups belonging to different cultural background. Misunderstandings can affect the productivity and business execution plan prepared by the management. The selection of the words and terms needs to be done in an effective manner, as this can increase the possibilities of misinterpreting the statement (Mendenhall Stahl, 2000). Behaviour Behaviour is associated with the body language that is followed by the managers of the company. In the US, managers and the employees of the company prefer to choose eye contact method while integrating or instructing the members. This is done to ensure that the message is conveyed to the member in the right manner, and there is no deviation in the process. Eye contact is not considered to be an appropriate method for interaction in many of the Asian countries. Such a difference has to be understood as this will help in overpowering the barriers that exists in the industry (Mahadevan, 2009). Stereotypes In such a factor, the employee usually makes assumptions about the practices or values followed by a particular group of individuals. Such factors create negative remark and impact the behaviour or the willingness of the individuals to work together. Its necessary to collect facts, and there is no space for assumptions. Ethnocentrism In this process, the management or the group usually indulge into the practice of judging the people belonging to certain groups or community. The comparison is done with the practises and values followed by the members in the own country. Such a comparison can affect the willingness of the people to work with different groups (Otten et al., 2009). How might these be surmounted? The strategies adopted by the companies to solve the problem differ and depends upon various factors. However, the prime objective is to minimise the differences existing between different cultures, as this will enable the management to improve the quality of prediction activities for the company. Some of the steps that can be followed for achieving the desired results are Meetings - The management can conduct business meetings through which the staffs can be introduced with the cultural values followed in another country. Such a process will enable the members to respect the values and practices followed by different cultures. Through this method, an attempt has been made to change the preconceptions that are formed in the minds of the people or the staffs (Osland, 2000). Team activities It is necessary to improve the confidence of the team members and encourage them to work together. This is possible by highlighting the relevance of the language and adopting strategies through which the differences between the members can be sorted by the management. In this method, the managers attempt to improve the co-ordination process, which is required for the smooth conduct of the business. Workshops In this method, the management of the company adopt and implement standard presider for positive interaction with the members. This is required for building confidence between the members. In this process, the members attempt to solve the issues faced by the staffs by encouraging positive communication process. Through this process, the members are encouraged to adopt and implement positive stages for handling the issues that exist between the members. The employees are enraged to adopt and practice different methods for communication like verbal, written, and non-verbal (Morris Robie, 2001). Coaching system- in this process, the members belonging to different culture are encouraged to follow the strategies and methods followed by the members from other communities. This is done through coaching method. Through this method, the members are encouraged to follow the right strategies for interacting with the members from other communities and respect each other. This is one of the important aspects through which the quality of communication can be improved amongst the members. Theories on cross cultural factors Anxiety and uncertainly management system This is one of the effective cross cultural theories that play an important role in the global virtual team development process. In this theory, the researchers basically concentrate on the adoption and implementation of different strategies through which the barriers and opportunities influencing the communication process is analysed. Through such a process, an attempt is made to understand the reason for the staff behaviour and the expectations at the time of interacting with each other. In this process, an attempt is made to identify the relevance of the cognitive behaviour of the individuals which can affect the working ability of the staffs of the company (Pfeffer, 2005). These days many companies work as a part of the virtual team. Through this process, the quality of interaction between the members belonging to different cultures is analysed. In the global teams, remembers belonging to different cultures work together. The members are not aware of each other, but ensure to work together as a team. Through an effective communication process, an attempt has been made to overpower the uncertainty that exists between the members of the company. This is one of the important factors through which the quality of communication between the members can be improved. In this method, the individual needs and preferences of the clients are analysed. This enables the management to develop an effective plan through which the necessary changes in terms of the improvement in the performance and other factors can be introduced by the management (Schwegler, 2009). Term of the theory The theory, focus on the cognitive adjustment process where the employees of the company are encouraged to work in the best possible manner. Through this process, an attempt is made to encourage the members to do the right things through which the quality of interaction amongst the members can be improved. In this method, an attempt is made to explain the process followed by the people to understand the terms associated with the cross cultural values (Sandn, 2003). What do they fail to explain? However the theory fails to explain the process that would have to be followed by different companies for improving the quality of interaction. This is one of the important factor through which the expected results can be achieved by the company. Standpoint theory for cross-cultural process In this method, the experiences and knowledge of the group or individual is shared with the other members. This has been done to improve upon the behaviour of the members through which the corrective measures can be introduced for improving the quality of the production activities. The views of the individuals are considered in this process. It is necessary to develop and implement standard views through which the behaviour and other factors associated with the cultural values and beliefs are indented. Through such a process, an attempt is made to interact about the positive aspects about the cultural values and the behaviours that can affect the quality of interaction (Selmer, 2000). Theory highlights the relevance of the communication process and the steps that would have to be followed for executing the tasks that are related to the business expansion. The communication process adopted by different companies varies and it depends upon various challenges. Through the theory an attempt is made to clarify the method that is considered to be effective for improving the communication process between different groups. Through this method, an attempt is made to overpower the challenges that are associated with the communication process (Triandis, 2000). Failure of the system The theory is applicable to the small companies, where limited members from different cultural background. In this case, the challenges associated with the process for implementing the changes has to be analysed, as this will help in implementing the better methods through which the required changes for the cultural communication process can be adopted. What are the implications of your insights for cross-cultural communication in international business organizations? Cross cultural factors are quite important for the business conduct. The challenges involved in the business execution have to be analysed, as this will help the management of the company to adopt and implement the right type of strategies through which the challenges can be overpowered. In this case, the limitations involved with the process have to be analysed as this will help in overpowering the challenges that is involved in the communication process. The factors affecting the communication process has to be analysed as this will help the management in selecting the better options through which the required changes can be implemented for improving the quality of communication for the company (Tanaka, 2001). Conclusion The cross cultural factors of the company need to be analysed. This will help in analysing the problem and implementing the correct steps for improving the quality of interaction. In this process, the challenges involved with the communication process between the members have to be analysed. This will help in improving the production activities and handling the challenges that can affect the quality of interaction between the members. References Adamopolous, John Lonner, Walter (2001). Culture and psychology at a crossroad: Historical perspective and theoretical analysis. In David Matsumoto (Ed.),The handbook of culture and psychology(pp.11-34). New York: Oxford University Press. Baba, M. L., Gluesing, J., Ratner, H., Wagner, K. H. (2004). The contexts of knowing: Natural history of a globally distributed team. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 25(5), 547587. Barinaga, Ester (2009). 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